Dear Ladybug: I am sick and tired of coloring my hair. When the pandemic hit, I figured it was the perfect time to transition from coloring my hair to going naturally gray. The last time I colored my hair was February of 2020.
There have been a few family members that don't like it and want me to color it again.
I am 14 months into the process and there are times I love it and times I can't stand it. What is your best advice for women like me that are sitting on the fence about continuing their journey with their natural hair color or to go back to chemically enhancing their shade?
Signed, Color me Gray
Dear Color me Gray:
Congratulations on 14 months. That takes courage and the simple truth is, you are being your true self. The only person that matters in this journey is you. If the reasons why you started this journey are still there, then why would you go back to coloring?
My advice is ignore the naysayers and do your own thing. I think women that are being their true-selves have a lightness and beauty that shines from the inside out. Ask yourself, what would Emmy Lou Harris do? She was the very first lady of country music to go natural. If you ask me, more should do it. Is there anybody that believes that Reba is still a red head? I don't think so.
Good luck on your continued journey. When it is all said and done, one day you will look in the mirror and totally embrace the real you. When YOU do that, so will everybody around you.
There have been a few family members that don't like it and want me to color it again.
I am 14 months into the process and there are times I love it and times I can't stand it. What is your best advice for women like me that are sitting on the fence about continuing their journey with their natural hair color or to go back to chemically enhancing their shade?
Signed, Color me Gray
Dear Color me Gray:
Congratulations on 14 months. That takes courage and the simple truth is, you are being your true self. The only person that matters in this journey is you. If the reasons why you started this journey are still there, then why would you go back to coloring?
My advice is ignore the naysayers and do your own thing. I think women that are being their true-selves have a lightness and beauty that shines from the inside out. Ask yourself, what would Emmy Lou Harris do? She was the very first lady of country music to go natural. If you ask me, more should do it. Is there anybody that believes that Reba is still a red head? I don't think so.
Good luck on your continued journey. When it is all said and done, one day you will look in the mirror and totally embrace the real you. When YOU do that, so will everybody around you.